Children's Ministry


A full Children's Ministry Program is offered during Sunday services, held on the first floor beneath the sanctuary. Each Sunday, our goal is to ensure that our children have the opportunity to joyfully worship and grow in their relationships with Jesus.


At Church of the Resurrection, our Heart is to Show God’s Love, Share God’s Truth, and Serve with Joy.

At Resurrection, we want our heart for children to reflect God’s own heart for them. When we look at Jesus’ life, we see God’s heart. Jesus' interactions with children provide a profound example of God's love and care for the young ones among us. It's a beautiful reflection of how we should approach children. Jesus made time for children in his ministry; he held them close and blessed them. He teaches that children have a special place in the kingdom of God. We, too, want to join with the heart of Christ and value and bless children. We want them to know the love of the Father, the grace of the Lord Jesus, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 13:14).

"And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them." - Mark 10:13-16


The faith and spiritual formation of children is one of Resurrection’s highest priorities.

Our desire is for every child to experience the love and goodness of God through the grace of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. We aim to create a joyful, secure, and engaging environment to steward children’s hearts in timeless Biblical truths through developmentally appropriate experiences with Bible-focused teaching, prayer, worship, and small-group discussion. We desire to see each child find their place in the community of faith and use their gifts to serve God, even at a young age. 

We are committed to strengthening and supporting families in discipling their children and building a Gospel-centered foundation of faith. We want to see God glorified in children and their families.

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The curriculum used is called Grow. It offers scripture, videos, activities, games and music. Grow offers a variety of themed series for each month of the year. The curriculum will take kids through every major Bible story in a three-year cycle, spending time in the Old Testament and New Testament.

If you would like to learn more about our curriculum, please reach out to our Children’s Director Melissa Skinner.

Click here to view the weekly lesson details and video.



Our youngest members experience the love of Christ through interactive toys, stories and the hands-on care of our volunteers.


Our toddlers are growing in their faith and their knowledge of scripture through our preschool curriculum, which incorporates music and movement, shared video instruction and engaging Bible stories and activities. 


Our elementary-aged kids are deepening their relationship with Christ and one another. Using themed units, we teach stories from the Bible, and the children are learning scripture and engaging in activities, crafts, videos and fun. 


Our middle school group are strengthening their walk with the Lord through scripture memory, individual studies, mentored relationships and engaged conversations based in Biblical studies and truths.

The Youth Ministry

We have a growing number of youth at Church of the Resurrection ranging
from 5th grade and up.

Learn More

PO Box 52888, New Orleans, LA, 70152

If you have any questions at all about Resurrection or our service, please feel free to contact us through the information above.
